What’s that? Oh, yeah. My work. Let’s see. This past week I submitted an application for a grant to cover travel expenses to England this summer. I’m planning to do some research that will go a long way towards turning my dissertation — on eighteenth-century Methodism, print culture, and oratory — into a book. The Methodists were uncanny in their exploitation of the print medium, and I’d like to uncover unexamined details about how they produced and distributed their printed material. Also, I’m still trying to work out exactly the contours of their preaching, for which they earned from their contemporaries a reputation as fanatics. My hunch is that they didn’t deserve this reputation, but that something interesting is going on with their oral practice. From the application:
The worldís largest collection of rare printed and manuscript materials related to eighteenth-century British Methodism is kept at the Methodist Archives and Research Centre (MARC), located at John Rylands University Library (JRUL) at the University of Manchester in England. The MARC is generally considered one of the most valuable repositories of primary materials in the world for evangelical studies. Most importantly for my purposes, the MARC has singularly important personal papers of not only the founders of Methodism, John and Charles Wesley, but also the personal papers of many prominent Methodist laypeople of this period as well as detailed administrative records of the Methodist Conference, the national policymaking body of the Methodist Church of England, Wales and Scotland. The vast majority of this material is unavailable in printed form or in microfilm collections; research at the MARC is thus the only avenue of access to this material.
I didn’t write this part into the grant application, but depending on the timing of my trip, I might even be able to catch a Radiohead show. Alas, all sold out.
Good luck on your application, G. The questions you’re asking about 18th century print culture seem very important to me. By the way, how do you cross out certain parts of your blog? Is that a feature only available on Movable Type?
You can use a style sheet command, like so:
text-decoration: line-through;
the html “strikethrough” tag:
<s> or <strike> with the appropriate end tags.
I have a line in my stylesheet like so:
.cancel {text-decoration: line-through;}
Then, when I want something crossed out, I just put a
<span class=”cancel”>
tag around it. {It doesn’t have to be a span tag; it could be any tag with class=”cancel” added.} I didn’t think about the <strikethrough> tag.
Thanks, Jason and George!
Thinking about this now, I don’t know why I went to the trouble of accomplishing this with a stylesheet instead of using <s>, <strike>, or <del>, any of which works fine. Sometimes the simplest solution comes to us last. {Note: there is no <strikethrough> tag. I was just being sloppy in my last comment.}