If you’re wondering what the surround sound that comes with a probably expensive home theater system sounds like to your apartment building neighbors when they are, perhaps, at home on a Saturday trying to grade assignment from their undergraduate English classes, I think I can help you out. Herewith are the great variety of sonic wonders generated by such a system:
- War movies: BOOM! rumblerumblerumblerumble BOOM! rumblerumblerumblerumble.
- Sports: rumblerumblerumblerumble BOOM! BOOM! rumblerumblerumblerumble.
- Beer commercials: rumblerumblerumblerumble BOOM! rumblerumblerumble.
- Oprah: rumblerumblerumblerumble rumblerumblerumblerumble BOOM!
Who wouldn’t want to spend thousands of hard earned dollars to experience such a rewarding auditory paradise?
- Antique Roadshow: rumblerumble BOOM! rumblerumble BOOM!
- The Today Show: BOOM! rumblerumble BOOM! rumblerumblerumblerumble.
- MTV’s Cribs: rumblerumblerumble BOOM! rumblerumble
FoxNews: BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM (rumbling is too elevated a discourse for FoxNews).