I got to Chuck’s the evening of Tuesday, August 5, and we promptly walked across the street to a Mexican place for dinner and a pitcher of margaritas. Say what you will about Atlanta, you can be sure to get good Mexican food and good pizza there. I feel some satisfaction that on each of my trips this summer (Georgia, England, and California), I was able to meet up with a local blogger. I met S later that night, and we made plans to meet up the next afternoon on campus to carpool back to Chuck’s and then head on to Mike’s for dinner with J and the young ones.
Chuck is more of a night owl, while I like to crash and then get up early and get going, so on Wednesday morning I was off on foot around 7:30 to Emory‘s Pitts Theology Library to take a look at their copy of the microfiche collection “The People Called Methodists” (detailed PDF description available online from the publisher).
While in the library, I fell madly in love with the Minolta MS 6000. I don’t care what the law says, if loving a high-quality, cost-effective microform reader that lets you view images from any media format on screen, as well as make clear, crisp laser prints on a stand-alone laser printer or scan images directly into a computer at resolutions of up to 800 dpi with an optional 256-level grayscale kit is wrong, then I don’t want to be right. Just between you and me, Pitts Theology Library does not charge for photocopying from the microform materials. I’m not going to say I made a lot of copies, but if you hear of Emory University having financial troubles … Well, I’ve said too much.
More later.
Remembering Atlanta
I’ve been reading with interest George’s blogs about his trip to Atlanta (and not just because I appear as a major character). I was especially intrigued by his reflection on the transformations of Atlanta since he left during the “graduate…