Check it out:
The September Project. On December 18, 2001, Congress designated September 11th a national holiday named ìPatriot Day.î We believe the most patriotic gesture citizens can make is to gather locally in public libraries across the country and contribute to a national conversation — on this day and beyond.
Whenever I try to start a national conversation in a library or a movie theatre, someone tells me to shhhh…
From The September Project site: “With an historic legacy of philanthropic and federal funding, every community has a library with free and open access to information and technology, making them powerful media producers and receivers in the global network.”
“free and open”….unless the downtown business interests get their way and ban petty criminals from the new Central Library in KC. A proposal would bar petty criminals from a zone around the Central Library–and obviously the library itself. It’s almost enough to tempt some upstanding citizens to get charged for petty crimes and then try to go to the new downtown library to incite a civic discussion in September about access and turf wars.
The September Project: An Invitation to Get Involved
this is not alex, it’s david silver. alex: thank you for letting us in and thanks for lending your brains throughout.
michael berube rules. his blog entry, written with soul, got Chuck Tryon and E. David Morgen to organize something, offline, in …