I ended up with some extra time at the tail-end of my Georgia trip, so this morning I headed to Georgia State University to visit some old friends. Mike, Chuck, and I went to lunch together and walked a few blocks around downtown. Man, Atlanta has changed so much in the ten years since I moved away, and GSU has changed even more since my time as a student here. We talked about careers, teaching, research, and the permeable membrane between academia and the rest of the world that is the blog. I’m writing from Mike’s office right now, and within minutes I will head to the airport. Class prep in the airport lounge, back in KC at 8:00 tonight, and back in class tomorrow morning. Adieu for now.
Hey, George, it was good to catch up. Wish we had more time to talk….
Return to the 9th Floor
George was passing through Atlanta this afternoon, so I met up with him and Mike at Mike’s office at Georgia State University, where I received MA a few years ago. Even though I live in Atlanta, I rarely get the…