…gender and blogging, part 3. (See part 1 and part 2.)
Much gnashing of teeth is taking place in the comments section of this Crooked Timber entry.
The Little Professor asks, “[I]sn’t putting abstract speculation before data collection sort of like, oh, putting the cart before the horse?” My thoughts exactly. To put it another way, we cannot have a debate about the causes for X until we have established that X exists.
Some of the comments to this entry suggest that a drug is needed for the irony impaired.
Theory, Gender, Blah Blah
Theory, Gender, Blah Blah I’ve become increasingly reclusive online and discussions like this one are one reason why. I’ve never…
But without the oh-so earnest responses to Dr B, the whole thing would have only been half as funny (ie, still very funny). A lot of people didn’t get Belle’s ironic CT post either…
We all do it sometimes though, don’t we? (Quite recently I thought someone meant it when they said something along the lines of how much they loved exams – no, really, I did, for several minutes.) And bloggery wouldn’t be half as much, er, fun without the opportunities for people to make complete twits of themselves (because you didn’t get the joke; because you failed to translate from American into British English; because you got so irate that you didn’t finish reading the post properly… all of which I have done within the last couple of months).
At least, please tell me we all do it sometimes, since otherwise I’ll be forced to conclude that I simply am a twit.
And I agree with you totally. The blathering about this is getting right up my nose.
*The* Link Portal on Gender in the Blogosphere
As I’m in the midst of writing a dissertation which is a feminist rhetorical analysis of gender and blogging practices, I’ve been assembling all the links I can find on the debates about gender in the blogosphere.