- Barring unforeseen circumstances, it looks like we’ve found a place to live in the city to which we will be moving in August. Close to the university, 60% of our current rent, a house in a subdivision. I have never lived in the suburbs before. No, really.
- I’ve added a list in my sidebar called “This week’s 10.” It’s a list of blogs I intend to visit and comment upon relatively regularly for a week through web browsing (rather than an RSS feed). Someone–I’ve forgotten who now–suggested doing this in a recent blog entry.
- I’m going to paint myself into a blogging corner with promises of two forthcoming posts:
- A post on working in the archives.
- A post in response to Scott Eric Kaufman’s on teaching literature and history.
Off to the library…
Congratulations on finding a place to live.
Thanks for adding me to your list of 10 for the week. Nice idea!
Consider your feet held to the fire, my good man. If you’d like I can cross-post your response to the Valve, as I’m committed to fostering dialogue and what-not.
I like the idea of actually visiting rather than just RSSing. Gives a totally different feel to the experience.
Congrats on finding a new home.
The list of ten is a great idea, and I’m thrilled to be on it! And I love reading about archival research. I was doing some a year ago.