
  1. Teaching Carnival # 12 will be hosted at Scrivenings one week from today.
  2. If I can manage to get some sleep, I’m going to write something (or a few somethings) about things like queer identity and the college campus. Interesting stuff is bouncing around in my head, but for some reason I have been waking up at 4:00 a.m. every morning, and I’m really, really tired all the time.
  3. That said, tonight I’m going to see The Heist and the Accomplice (The Cypress Knees and Coma Cinema are opening). All sorts of hub-bubbery is sure to take place.
  4. Remember before when I said that I was going to stay single for awhile unless “I meet someone who knocks me over with her wit, charm, and beauty”? I ended up feeling badly about writing that. What if someone I’ve met reads my blog and thinks, “He must not feel I’m witty, charming, or beautiful enough.” Au contraire! Let me clarify my thinking a bit: since I’ve been here I’ve met plenty of very attractive women of all ages. However, I think it’s probably a good idea to give myself some time to get my head on straight. I was in a relationship for 14 years, and I worry that I’ll just screw things up if I try to get involved again too soon. But I make a habit of never saying never.

*Random bullets of pure blogging gold.

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4 thoughts on “rbopbg*

  1. Yesterday was pretty good. I just stayed in bed as long as I could (which was until 9:00 a.m.). I still woke up at 4:00 but managed to go back to sleep (and wake up and go back to sleep and wake up and etc).

    Good luck on your own slumberland adventures, Scriv.

  2. If I can get the blogging parts of my brain to work, I’ll have something done in time for the next carnival.

    But I make no promises!

    And, yes, Hub Bub rocks. It rocks hard.

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