print cultur(e/al) studies

Three emails caught my eye on SHARP-L this morning. I’m not awake enough yet to say anything clever about them.

  1. A conference entitled Fairs, Markets and the Itinerant Book Trade, will be held in late November at the Society of Antiquaries in London:

    Leading book historians will discuss the presence of the book trade in the streets and public spaces of Britain and continental Europe. From the Frankfurt book fair in the 16th century to the Farringdon Road barrows in the 20th, speakers will range across geographical as well as chronological frontiers to follow the movement of books and people.

  2. This year’s Print Networks conference on the History of the British Book Trade will take place at the University of Birmingham in late July (after I’m back in the U.S., unfortunately). The keynote speaker is John Feather.
  3. Routledge will publish An Introduction to Book History, by David Finkelstein and Alistair McCleery, later this summer as a companion to The Book History Reader that Finkelstein and McCleery edited. The table of contents for the Intro is as follows:

    Chapter 1: Theorising the History of the Book
    Chapter 2: Orality to Literacy
    Chapter 3: The Coming of Print
    Chapter 4: Authors, Authorship and Authority
    Chapter 5: Printers, Booksellers, Publishers, Agents
    Chapter 6: Readers and Reading
    Chapter 7: The Future of the Book

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linky links

A variety of things to keep you occupied this morning:

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bibliographic ego

Loewenstein, Joseph. “The Script in the Marketplace.” Representations 12 (Autumn 1985): 101-114. (Subscription required.)

The list of Ben Jonson’s permanent contributions to English literary convention…has regularly included that major contribution to the development of literary marketing, the publication of the folio Workes of Benjamin Jonson. The volume appeared in 1616, well before it could be decently represented as posthumous. This publication has frequently been remarked on, but such remark has almost inevitably subsided into reflections on Jonson’s vanity; in these more sympathetic times, we incline to speak of the charm of his vanity. I should like to treat the event a bit more technically and insist that critical responses to Jonson’s authorial vanity are in fact quite telling; that we make such remarks is offhanded testimony to the permanent effects of this particular publication, indirect evidence that the 1616 Workes marks a major event in the history of what one might call the bibliographic ego. (101)

Thanks to Laurie for the reference.

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thanks, johann!

I just got my hot little hands on one of these. It looks very well done. More later.

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rockin’ to the oldies

Rooting around in my own archives, I came across these two entries:

Man, I remember 2003 like it was yesterday. Good times, good times.

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