friday night in boston

I’m pressed for time, but here are two quick stories from last night. Hopefully I’ll have time later for more detail:

  • From Catherine Rodriguez, who organized the SHARP panels at this year’s ASECS, I learned that eighteenth-century authors Fanny Burney and Hannah More made appearances in Wonder Woman comics as “wonder women of history.”
  • When our group left McCormick & Schmick’s last night, one of our party was complaining about the waiter as we waited on the sidewalk for a cab. The service was fine, I thought, although a little disorganized. However, a man walked up to us and said, “Excuse me, sir, are you talking about this restaurant? I’m the manager.” It was a little disconcerting because he was kind of aggressive, and I was worried at first he was going to defend the honor of his establishment through fisticuffs. But it turns out he just wanted to give us $50 in gift certificates (!). Not wanting to get our server in trouble, we assured him that we were talking about a different restaurant, but obviously he didn’t believe us.
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With many of my colleagues from the four U of M campuses, I am in Columbia, Missouri this weekend attending the Teaching Renewal Conference as part of the year-long New Faculty Teaching Scholars Program. On the food front, I had a nice soy latte at the Lakota Coffee Company, some great slices at Shakespeare’s Pizza, and breakfast at Waffle House. We also managed to get in a few games of pool last night at Billiards.

Update: We also took a quick trip to the Rock Bridge Memorial State Park, home of the Devil’s Icebox, a geological formation caused by an underground river gradually eroding limestone until a sinkhole is created. Climbing down into the Icebox on a warm late-winter day, you find that the temperature drops significantly, a few patches of ice and snow are still present, and you can see your breath. On the drive out to Columbia, we saw a deer at the edge of a forest, and on the way home we spotted a flock of wild turkeys resting in a field. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not mention the statue of Beetle Bailey to be found on campus; cartoonist Mort Walker is a Mizzou alum.

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got bush? win $10,000

The comic strip Doonesbury is offering $10,000 to anyone who can prove that George W. Bush actually fulfilled his responsibilities for the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War.

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