“We live here now”

Tonight I made a stop on Main Street to see how Arielle and Rachel are doing, and to take a couple of pix with my less-crappy-than-before, but still-pretty-crappy camera phone. Seems to me like they’re having a blast.

on the street, looking in at the artists
Outside, looking in.

inside, looking out at the street
Inside, looking out.

Read about it here.

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  1. Any recommendations for poems whose subject matter concerns poverty?
  2. I’m in the market for a new phone. I’d like it to be available for Verizon customers, sync via bluetooth with my Mac, have a decent camera, and be relatively small. Any suggestions?
  3. This NY Times article on multitasking and productivity would be more interesting if it were to interrogate the notion that the purpose of our lives and our access to information is productivity: produce, produce, produce!
  4. I spent Friday and Saturday in Asheville at this conference, where I attended two (!) panels on drag kings, featuring performers who were, for the most part, as theoretically savvy as they were sexy.
  5. In an age where people can be so uptight about who gets to marry whom, it warms my heart to know that I live in a community that celebrates diversity.
  6. Season two (via Netflix) of The L Word is, so far, better than season one, though the new theme song is stupid. Maybe I’m just more familiar with the characters, but it seems to me that there’s more depth to the storylines as well as a thematic unity among the storylines that wasn’t there before.

*random bullets of pure blogging gold

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a certain je ne sais pas

That’s the feeling I get from assigning a scholarly article authored by the (mostly) secret identity one of the blogosphere’s most famous superheros.

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