Here’s a summary of a number of things that, had I more time, I would blog in full. Perhaps more details to come later. Alternately, dear reader, you could let me know which items you would like to hear more about, allowing me to focus on topics of interest to this blog’s audience:
- The Kansas City Star reports that “Funding cuts lead campuses to weigh future of 48 degree programs”. Wow. Luckily, UMKC English is not one of them, but obviously there are lean times here in Missouri, and I feel for my colleagues.
- Last night I finally went to the Rime Buddhist Center for a meditation workshop and the first of several classes on “The Basics of Buddhism.” Many people were there. I’m looking forward to future classes.
- I brought home my used Fender amp last night, plugged in my new guitar and played for a little while. It sounds really, really good. The amp is much better quality than I had originally imagined I would be buying, and I still stayed within my budget. The guitar is just wonderful, and I’ve learned that it comes with a lifetime (!) warranty. Rummaging around for a strap to use with the guitar, I found one in the case of the beautiful banjo – whose fretboard features a mother-of-pearl inlay of a leafy vine growing up the neck (hopefully, pix online later) – my uncle Jack left me when he died. In 1983, he told me, “If anything ever happens to me, I want you to have this banjo.” Sure, whatever you say, Uncle Jack. Thanks. Within a few months, he was dead from cancer, not having told me that he was terminally ill. I think the strap goes great with the guitar.
- At this afternoon’s department meeting, I’m proposing a new course to add to the English Department curriculum. It’s already passed the undergraduate and graduate committee approval process. I’ll post a description later if it’s adopted. Or maybe even if it’s not.
- I still want to post a longer response to Kari’s question regarding Adam Fox versus Harold Love.
- I need a new title for my book to reflect the fact that I’ve added the element of manuscript practice to the already present elements of orality and print.
- I accepted three excellent sounding papers to the ASECS panel I’ll be chairing. I’m waiting to hear back from two of them.
- Went to go see Rick Springfield last weekend. That’s right: Rick Springfield.
That’s enough for now, though more is bouncing around in my head. Time to get my day started in earnest.