After giving my paper Friday morning, I had a good day, hearing a number of interesting presentations. I did receive several kind and helpful comments on my paper, and I feel confident now as I work on revising it into an article.
After all the sessions were finished, there was a very nice reception in the Margaret Fowler Garden, and then several of us walked into the Claremont “village” for dinner at Yianni’s Greek Restaurant. Sauteed calamari and ouzo: what more could one ask for?
Here’s my conference agenda for the day:
Friday, July 11 |
9:00-10:30 |
Session 19: Religious Writing and Publishing
- Ian Gadd (Bath Spa University College)
“Covering Godís Ass: Casting New Light on the ëWicked Bibleí of 1631”
- Matt Brown (University of Iowa)
“ëGod Leaves a Space that You May Writeí: Bibliographical Theory, Reception Studies, and Early Modern Devotional Reading”
- George Williams (University of Missouri, Kansas City)
“John Wesleyís Magazine-Publishing Career, 1778-1791”
11:00-12:30 |
Session 25: The Readers Write
- Erin Smith (University of Texas, Dallas)
“Jesus and the Middlebrow: Reader Letters to Bruce Barton”
- Sarah Pedersen (Robert Gordan University, Scotland)
“Whatís in a Name? The Revealing Use of Noms de Plume in Womenís Correspondence to Daily Newspapers in Edwardian Scotland”
1:30-3:00 |
Session 29: Teaching the Discipline
- Christine Pawley (University of Iowa)
“Poachers, Populists and Professionals: Reading Identities Inside and Outside the Academy”
- Marcella Genz (Florida State University)
“Library Schools and the History of the Book”
- Bertrum MacDonald (Dalhousie University)
“Beyond the Models: The Language of Print Culture”
3:30-5:00 |
Session 32: Authorship and Apparitional Technologies in the Fin de Siecle
- Pat Crane (University of Minnesota)
“ëWhatís Next?í: Dictation and Spectral Literacy in The Turn of the Screw”
- John Matson (Princeton University)
“The Body Telegraphic: Mark(ed) Twain via ëMental Telegraphí”
- Lisa Gitelman (Catholic University)
“Mississippi MSS: Twain, Typing, and the Moving Panorama of Literary Production”