I agree with Mike that we should just start with a blog, “since that’s the method all parties seem familiar with.” If you would like to participate in a group blog on sharing teaching resources and creating resources collaboratively, email me at ghw[at]wordherders[dot]net with a username and password. I’ll add you to the list of authors on a blog I’ve set up.
[In case you’re just joining us, dear reader, here are my first post and second post on the subject.]
Teaching Resource Blog News
It looks like George’s suggested teaching resource blog will soon be up and running. Go to his blog for more information on how to get involved….
Sharing Teaching Resources
I’ve been following with great interest a conversation developing over at George’s place on the possibility of creating an open-source collection of resources for teaching literature. It now appears that the first iteration of such a project will be a …
George, I don’t have MT at school yet (or I’ve forgotten the URL), but here is a link to a site that seems to be addressing a similar concern:
I *know* that the teaching blog will have somewhat different goals, but it’s a useful reference nonetheless.
By the way, I’ve mentioned the blog in passing idea to several of my collagues, and there seems to some interest in getting involved at some level.
Wow. Interesting site. (Sounds like I’m leaving comment spam, doesn’t it?) Check out this entry on finding sources for “Hip sayings of the 1940s”:
I’m glad your colleagues seem interested. Tell them to email me if they’d like to be added.