snow in kcmo

A couple of KC blogs feature photographs of the results of today’s (and tonight’s) snowfall. Nothing as dramatic as what fell on Washington, D.C. and other parts east, I’m sure. This view is close to where I live. I don’t know where this is. I did a quick browse through the blogs listed at KC Bloggers but did not find more. Perhaps Heidi will post some pix, too.

Update: Yup. There they are.

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4 thoughts on “snow in kcmo

  1. While you do not know where ‘this is’ I can answer that question! It is just outside my deck in Lawrence, KS… I grew up in Kansas City and just love the new KC BLoggers webpage! Hope you enjoy the photos…

  2. On my way home

    Thanks to George for giving me a little nudge earlier. I haven’t been taking many photos lately; I’ve been wound up in advance about Unbloggable Things. For me, photography is almost as good as a roller coaster: making photos (no

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