I don’t mean to neglect you, dear reader, it’s just that I’m having one of those periods of blogging crisis. You know, “What’s it all about?” and “What’s a blog for?” That kind of thing. *sigh* I’m being a selfish reader, not leaving comments, not sending trackback pings to entries on others’ blogs.
Well, here are a few links for ya:
- I highly recommend H. J. Jackson’s Marginalia: Readers Writing in Books (New Haven: Yale UP, 2001).
- I’m also finding the essays in Books and their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England: New Essays (London: Leicester UP, 2001) to be quite engaging.
- This has to be the most bitter song I’ve ever heard (and yes, the radio edit is just about incomprehensible). Eamon is one angry guy. If you haven’t heard it, the most striking thing about the song is that if you didn’t listen to the lyrics, you would assume it’s a love song or a song about losing someone special.
- I’m off to ASECS 2004, next week and any suggestions for things to do or see in Boston when I’m not at the conference are welcome.
Mentioned this in passing the other day, G, but thought you’d like some details about the Isabella Gardner Museum–a must-see of ancient, medieval, early modern, and modern art cheek-by-jowl in this amazing home in Boston. It is the brain-child of IG, who stressed in her will that the museum/home would remain exactly as she arranged it “for the education and enrichment of the public forever.” According to the murder mystery set in the museum, if any piece of art was moved or sold (or stolen!), the founder stipulated that the museum was to be disbanded immediately. Even though two paintings were actually stolen in the 80’s the museum is still open, and if you happen to be named “Isabella” you get in free! Lovely, lovely things there–and a weird cornucopia of styles jumbled all together. It’s mind-boggling and yet fun, in the way that stuffy museums that categorize art are often not. What’s wonderful is very little is cordoned off and one can wander through the courtyard garden, for instance, and stand next to Eygptian sculture. Well worth the effort and the admission fee, if you just happen not to be an “Isabella.”
Check out the website:
And the murder mystery (if you want some light reading for the plane):
Do Not Adjust Your Web Browser
Things are going to be pretty quiet at the chutry experiment for the next few days. Conference papers and journal articles beckon. Then, of course, the conference itself in sunny Fort Lauderdale (no computer access, so probably no updates from…
Chuck, George, and (for different reasons) Joel have left me wanting more words. They conjure dry spells. Though this is a seeming nonsequeter, Apophenia pointed to this blog research survey. Basic questions: Why do you blog? Does it matter…
Signs of Life
Yeah, it’s been a while. Like George and Liz and maybe others, the ol’ blogging well’s felt a little dry of late. Copying a pasting a conference CFP once a week does not a compelling blog make. So what’s been
You might go to the Mapparium at the Christian Science mother church in Boston. You walk through the middle of a giant stained glass globe of the earth. (It’s a tourist thing; no one tries to convert you.)
Thanks, G1 and Emily, for the recommendations!
I plan to hit the Newbury Street bookstores. Avenue Victor Hugo Books has announced it’s going to close down. Unfortunately the closing sale won’t start until we’ve left. And Trident offers free wifi.
Frankee’s response “F*ck you right back” (“girl’s version”) is pretty full on too. Same tune, slightly altered lyrics. Do a web search, I can’t post the URL because of the f-word – MT is stopping me!
Oh dear, breakups are sad. For everyone. I hope I never have to go through another one. Thank goodness that bitter anger doesn’t last forever.