Many bloggers have been discussing an upcoming event called The September Project, “a collection of people, groups, and organizations working to create a day of engagement, a day of conversation, a day of democracy.” More details are found on the project overview page.
Given that a number of KC people read my site, I was hoping to generate some interest and involvement in the project here in Kansas City. How about it? Please email me at ghw [at] wordherders [dot] net to discuss organizing events at local libraries and other public spaces. You might also mention this on your own blog to help spread the word.
David Silver, one of the project directors (along with Sarah Washburn), was recently interviewed (PDF) by the Chronicle of Higher Education:
“It’s a response to the climate of silence that has seeped into this country, post-9/11,” Mr. Silver says. “It’s difficult to get a lot of information from the media and from the government, so we wanted to create safe spaces — safe local spaces where we have free information.”
The September Project has few requirements for participation. Mr. Silver is encouraging libraries to hold readings of the Bill of Rights and to set up voter-registration programs. He is also encouraging participants to take digital pictures on that day, with the hope of creating a huge photographic collage.
But beyond that, events and programs are up to the individual libraries. Because September 11 falls on a Saturday this year, when some academic libraries are closed and when students on many campuses have not yet arrived for the fall, some academic libraries are holding exhibitions that will last for weeks.
The Seattle Times also published an article with more details on the project.
The September Project
I’ve been meaning to mention The September Project for several days now ever since learning about it on Michael BÈrubÈ’s blog earlier this week. As Michael points out, The September Project is a great idea:Free, public discussions about democracy, all…