Blogging enriches my life.
Note, something weird is going on with the links in this entry. I’m not sure why, but Safari did something to them when I was editing… I’ll try to fix later.
Exhibit A: I had a few drinks with some KC Bloggers on Thursday night: M. Toast, Patrick, Joe, Jen, Eric, and two other folks who either don’t blog, or whose blogs aren’t listed on KC Bloggers, so I won’t mention them by name. We talked about music, good books read recently, and computers.
Exhibit B: I ran into my favorite local comic artist, Parrish, at Muddy’s Coffee yesterday morning, and we talked for about ten minutes on the magical creature known as cat. The only way I know Parrish (and Bonnie, who works at Muddy’s) is through his blog (and through his comic “Sparrow’s Fall”). This was the first somewhat extended conversation we’ve ever had, and yet I felt like I already sort of knew him, and had a sense of his personality.
Exhibit C: I’ve never met Weez, except through our blogs. We IM from time. She’s recording blog entries as audio posts, and I’ve remixed one of them with music (MP3, about 2M).
I feel like I’m finally finding a voice. I love my job. But my life is much larger than my job.
Enjoyed the v. cool remix, George. Wonderful potentials in vocals, accompaniment and creative turn b/c of blogging.
A pleasure collaborating with ya. Feel free to lob any ideas and I’ll play.
Thanks, Derek.
Well, since you asked, Weez, how about some of Shakespeare’s sonnets?
Or Mary Wroth’s?
Or Christina Rossetti’s The Goblin Market?
Or some poems by Emily Dickinson?
Or John Donne?
Or a sonnet or two by John Milton?
Or the book of Ruth or Song of Solomon?
I’m on it. :)
Ya think you could narrow the choice of Shakespeare sonnet a tad? I recorded a few this morning in the precious silence of prechildren awakening. (XV, XVIII, CXXX…)
After some minor edits, I’ll post them and send a directory to you.
Goblin Market…:D fun.