I recently got turned on to the band Rainer Maria by the old gray lady. Their most recent album, Catastrophe Keeps Us Together, is just about perfect.
A recent conversation:
George: I’m seriously crushing on this singer.
Dr. B: Heh.
G: Why can’t I find any cute indie rock girls like that?
B: This place is crawling with them.
G: What place?
B: The world.
G: Heh.
But actually I don’t think I’m going to want to date anyone for awhile.
For now, I’m off to the beach, books and articles in tow.
I meant to comment when you first posted this. But I got all caught up in my enjoyment of Rainer Maria. Thanks for the tip, G.
And, yeah, indiebabes seem like a dime a dozen these days. Find a lovely one. Date when you’re ready.
Thanks, lucyrain.