
  • Teaching Carnival #14 is up at M2H Blogging. It rawks.
  • I was able to spend some time with Hub Bub artists-in-residence Brian and Justin last week. The People’s Republic of Sparkletonia is lucky to have them here for the year, along with Emily and Leah. Such good people…smart, creative, funny. I wish I had more time to spend at Hub Bub. I’ve had a book checked out for so long from the Closet Vandal‘s lending library that I fear my card will be suspended, if not confiscated.
  • “Next week Christie’s and Sotheby’s will conduct multimillion-dollar sales of 18th-century antiques. Can the market handle 500 pieces of 18th-century furniture in such a short time?” I don’t know. Let’s find out!
  • What’s a good way to unwind after last week’s National Coming Out Day busyness? Hey, how about taking a busload of students to New Orleans this week for four days! Remind me to scale back my bright ideas next semester.
  • I’ve been Netflixing season 3 of the Wire. The show really is that good.
  • I’m in love with the video for the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ “Tell Me Baby,” in which unknown musicians/performers dance and lip synch to the track, sometimes with the band themselves as backup. I believe that like the Tilly and the Wall video I linked to earlier, this is an attempt to assimilate the aesthetic of fan-generated videos posted on such sites as YouTube. As such it’s kind of a conservative move: pruning what could otherwise be a chaotic media garden where anything goes. However, the video is just so sweet, sexy, and celebratory that it’s hard not to read it as a loveletter from the band to their fans and to all the unknowns who move to L.A. and don’t hit it big (the latter of which is arguably what the song’s lyrics address).
  • A stack of papers awaits my grading attention. I’m so very tired, but I feel up to the challenge. Must. resist. desire. for beer. Otherwise, before you know it I’ll be Little Nemo in Slumberland.

*Random bullets of pure blogging gold.

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3 thoughts on “rbopbg*

  1. Funny. I’m going to be in New Orleans with a handful of students from Thursday to Saturday. Since I know what you look like, maybe I’ll see you there.

    Umm. I didn’t mean that last line to be creepy in any way. If I happen to see you, I promise to introduce myself in a very normal, cordial, non-creepy way.

  2. Heidi, I’ll certainly write about it upon my return, and I should have pictures to share, too.

    Lucyrain, I’ve emailed you my cellphone number, so feel free to call me. We’ll be staying at Camp Hope. I don’t know if that’s anywhere near where y’all will be.

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