…worrying about your little world falling apart.
There’s only so long you can feel stuck, right? On the horizon: international travel, a cross-country move, an uncertain professional future. This morning I feel like I can handle whatever opportunities present themselves, but God knows what I’ll feel like tomorrow.
Apropos of nothing:
- “In 2004, Missouri ranked 43rd in the nation (behind surrounding states) in appropriations for higher education per $1000 of personal income.”
- According to a report (PDF, 477K) by the National Association of State Budget Officers, Missouri’s total expenditures for higher education in 2003 were $985,000,000.
- By comparison, the state we’re moving to spends over four times as much money on higher education with a population that’s just 1.4 times as big and a per capita income slightly lower than Missouri’s.
Consider all of this data, collectively, as Hint #4. No one has even attempted a guess, yet. To review: L got a tenure-track job in a different state; I have a research leave in the fall and will be moving with L; starting in the spring, I will come back to teach my classes. At some point in the hopefully near future, L’s institution might hire me, or my institution might hire L. Your task: guess where we’re moving.